Wednesday, September 10, 2008

TCM Social Media Conference: Blogging as I Listen

So I'm taking this opportunity to practice social media. At the Tech Council of Maryland Social Media conference. Thought I'd blog about it. Hope there are readers.

First speaker: Jeremy Epstein. Title: Marketing Navigator. (Much cooler than my "Communications Manager" title.)

Background: 6 years at Microsoft. ("Laptop intensive culture." Not surprising...)

Interesting take on meetings and blackberries. Said if he can't keep our attention, we should keep doing what we want to do. Read emails, blackberries, etc. Said if I'm paying attention to email, he needs to do a better job. Interesting point... I've always hated people reading blackberries. May look at it different now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the multiple shout outs. You did a nice job of liveblogging my presentation and it was nice meeting you.

As a JHU alum, I couldn't agree more w/your 'raving fan' strategy.

Just fyi, your call what to do
i'm @jer979 on Twitter

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