Thursday, July 23, 2009

Days 14-16: Nurturing My Professional Network

A three-day recap.

Day 14 (Tuesday):
  • Scheduled coffee with a colleague -- with whom I have no projects right now and on whom I had to cancel numerous time and got too busy to reconnect with until yesterday.
  • Sent media query to a non-Hopkins colleague
  • Offered to help a colleague with a new non-profit he's starting. Not sure yet what shape my "help" will take. I have to wait until he has a chance to brief me more on the project.
  • Sent media query to a non-MCC Hopkins colleague
  • And had one of my colleagues do something for me by handling the CCG meeting because I was feeling extremely ill...
Day 15 (Wednesday):
  • Met with a new contact who is looking to transition into communications and community relations to give him some Robin Ferrier "words of wisdom"...
  • Took the lead on planning the CCG August happy hour even though one of my colleagues (ahem... you know who you are!) was supposed to handle this one.
Day 16 (Thursday):
  • Talked with a colleague about helping him with his personal passion because I have a work colleague who is connected in that particular field
  • Forwarded a link to a blog post about using Facebook to promote your small business to a colleague who owns a deli / catering business. (Shout out to Mitch and The Bean Bag in Rockville, Maryland. Great cookies! Great gazpacho... I tried it for the first time recently! Great chicken salad... his chicken salad has ruined me for all other chicken salads!)
  • Sent information to a reporter for her blog that came from a non-MCC Hopkins colleague
And so the challenge continues...

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